On Monday Italian Cardinal Mattel Zuppi, Pope Francis’s personal peace envoy for the war in Ukraine, arrived in Moscow for the second time in an ongoing effort to promote humanitarian collaboration...
“I think that the Holy Father sincerely wants to do the best for the Church, the Church in Peru, the Church worldwide, and for the people that have been affected by the issues regarding the...
If you are a faithful Catholic who understands the importance of strong families, believes in chastity education, has experience working in the pro life, pro family arena, and has worked in a...
Book cover of ‘Nursery of Heaven’ by Cassie Everts and Patrick O’Hearn
Even amid deepest sorrow, Mary’s love for grieving parents brings consolation as she...
Gerard Soest, “Portrait of William Shakespeare,” c. 1667
The pressure to remove William Shakespeare’s work from the curriculum is a symptom of a deeper...